If you are in a meeting with a supervisor and you feel uncomfortable you have the right to request representation!!!  If your supervisor says anything other than OK... YOU NEED TO  ask "Are you denying me representation?" If they continue to speak about the issue stop talking and when you are done with your meeting contact Laurie (716) 376 8357 or Anne (716) 307 3720 immediately

 BESPA-CA Board Meetings

4:15 PM @ BOCES Barn

Held Every 2nd Thursday
​ of the Month.

If you would like to participate please reach out to a board member for more info

Watch Our Facebook for Important Updates! 

Are You Financially Preparing For Your Retirement?
Many of us who started working in the civil service arena after 2012 are in the 
Employee Retirement System' Tier 6 and it is NOT what it should be for our retirement dignity!!!
​BESPA-CA and NYSUT are working to FIX Tier 6!!!
By clicking the button below you can join us!!!

   CABOCES BOE Meetings


BOE Meetings **
are currently hybrid.
To participate virtually
​please contact 
​Colleen Jimerson for the link.


Be sure to check out our table at this year's All Staff Day happening at 
Holiday Valley on August 26, 2024. We look forward to seeing you.

​We have completed our negotiations!​
You can find a copy to download or print on our Links and Resources page.

2024 BESPA-CA SCHOLARSHIP Winners Announced

Congratulations to Jenna Austin, Grace Haynes, Louie Rickert

​​The BESPA-CA scholarship is funded by the members of CA-BOCES Educational Support Personnel Association, and is available to graduating seniors whose parent/guardian or grandparent is a registered active member of the BESPA-CA Union. The scholarship is to be used for Accredited Continuing Education. The recipients will be chosen by an organized 3 person team not belonging to the BESPA-CA bargaining unit. Additional information and application will be emailed to all members by the Scholarship Committee. Applications will be available on the Links and Resources page in the spring of 2025.


 "A Union United; Will  NEVER Be Divided"

To unite in one organization all persons employed in an educational support capacity by BESPA-CA. 

 To promote reasonable methods of  work, secure standardized pay, and  seek security for the individual by  legal and proper means. 

 To represent the support personnel in collective  negotiations with Cattaraugus/Allegany BOCES in the  determination of their terms and conditions of employment  and administration of grievances arising there under.

To assist each other in distress, promote unity and strength, and encourage legislation and public support f our Association.

B.O.C.E.S Educational Support Personnel association

Cattaraugus - Allegany